At the Edge of the Forest Read online

Page 21

  “Alison, let's talk,” I continue. “I think maybe it's time that I tell you everything. You might not believe it, at least not at first, but I can try to prove the whole thing to you. Once you understand...”

  “I have to go out,” she stammers, wiping tears from her eyes as she opens the front door. “I have to get some space so I can think. None of this makes sense.”

  “I can explain it to you.”

  “No, I need to work it out for myself.” She pauses for a moment, staring at me with those beautiful eyes. “I'm sorry, Brian, I know this must be confusing and I know I'm hurting you, it's just... Something changed today, I don't know what, but I have to figure it out. I know I'm being a selfish bitch, but right now I need to be alone so I can get my head straight.”

  “A strange creature from the forest forced you to love me,” I want to tell her. “I made deal with a monster. I've been delivering girls for it to consume, and in return I was allowed to have you.”

  But I don't say that. How could I? After all, if I told all the things I've been doing, she'd despise me. She'd be shocked, and she'd never want to come near me again.

  “Don't hate me,” Alison sobs, before hurrying outside and pulling the door shut.

  “I could never hate you,” I whisper, standing in the hallway and listening to the sound of her running to her car. A moment later I hear the engine starting up, and finally I realize that I have to let her go. She's too good, too perfect, for me to hurt her any more. “I love you,” I say out loud, even though no-one can hear me. “I just wanted you to love me in return, but you never would have, not without...”

  Once she's driven away, I'm left in silence. I stand completely still for several minutes, filled with rage and sorrow not only for myself but also for Alison. I can't imagine what's going through her mind right now, but I can't explain the truth to her, not if it means that she'll see me as a murderer. She's a good person, and the truth would ruin her life.

  “Do it,” I whisper finally.


  “You gave me two gifts,” I continue. “I know you can hear me, so don't pretend otherwise. You gave me the gift of Alison, and now you've taken her away. Take the other gift too. You told me that no matter what I did, you'd ensure that I never felt any guilt. You made it so that I could do awful things to those girls in the forest, and I never felt so much as a twinge in my soul. I think...”

  Taking a deep breath, I realize that somehow, deep down, I always knew this moment would come. Nothing lasts forever.

  “Let me feel it,” I whisper. “Let me feel the consequences of my actions. Let me feel the guilt you shielded from me.”

  I wait.

  No reply.

  And then, slowly, I realize I can hear a faint rumbling sound, like a huge wave approaching. I open my mouth to ask “Is that it?” but I already know the answer. The wave is building, and my whole house is shuddering now. Framed photos on the walls are shaking with such force, they start dropping to the floor and smashing, while the rumbling sound is so loud now that I feel the wave is going to crash over me at any moment. I remain completely still in the gloomy hallway, staring at the door and imagining Alison driving away, but I can feel the wave coming up behind me and suddenly the gloom becomes darker, as if the wave is blocking out all the light.

  When it hits, I scream and drop to my knees. For the past five years, I've been kidnapping and murdering girls, dragging them to the forest so that the creature can enjoy their suffering. And now, in the blink of an eye, all my guilt and regret is hitting me at once, and I start wailing in sorrow as I feel my mind being torn apart at the seams.

  Part Ten



  “Shannon!” I shout, running through the forest as afternoon sunlight fills the air all around me. “Shannon, where are you?”

  Stopping for a moment, I lean against a tree to catch my breath. I'm further from the shack than I've been for a while, but I know she's around here somewhere, I can sense it. I can't even remember how long we've been playing out here, but it feels like an eternity and I don't want it to ever end. I've finally got my sister back and I want this paradise to last forever.

  After a moment, I hear a strange sound nearby. I turn and look but there's nothing to see. Still, it's as if blades are scraping against one another, filling -

  “Hey,” Shannon says suddenly.

  Turning to her, I see that she's standing just a few feet away, with her back to me.

  “There you are!” I say with a grin, stepping over and putting my arms around her. I swear to God, I'm still not used to the idea that she's really back in my life. “Is it my turn now?”

  “Your turn to do what?”

  “I'll hide,” I continue, “and you have to seek me out. You have to count to twenty first, and then you can come after me. Deal?”


  Breathing deep, I can't help smiling at the smell of her cologne. I don't even know where she gets it, since I've never seen a bottle out here in the forest, but she must have some stashed away somewhere.

  “Do you see it?” she asks.

  Turning, I follow her gaze. At first I see nothing except the trees, but after a moment I realize that we're close to the edge of the forest. In the distance, looking dull and gray in the afternoon light, there's a large building. I know I recognize it from somewhere, but it takes a few more seconds before I remember.

  “That's just BarraBuy,” I say finally. “It's that dumb store we both worked at once, remember?”

  “When's your next shift there?”

  “Well...” I pause for a moment. All those details of my life outside the forest seem a little blurry now, and I have to concentrate to remember much at all. “How long... I'm not sure. How long have I been here with you?”

  “Three days,” she replies.

  “Seriously? That long?” It's hard to believe that I could have spent three days in the forest with my sister without venturing out once, but I guess it must be true. “Well,” I continue, “that would mean that it's Monday right now, which means... Actually, I think I have a shift tonight.”

  “You should go to work.”

  “Are you kidding? I want to stay here with you!”

  She turns to me, and there's a hint of darkness in her eyes. “I need you to do something for me.”

  “No,” I reply, feeling a shiver of fear at the merest thought of being away from her again. “I can't...”

  “It's just a small favor,” she says calmly. “I'd do it myself, but I can't leave the forest right now.”

  “What kind of favor?” I frown. “Are you hungry? I think I'm hungry, but I'm not sure. Have we eaten anything over the past three days?”

  “You're happy to have me back, aren't you?”

  “Are you kidding?” I reply. “It's all I wanted in the whole world.”

  “Then I need something in return.”

  Staring at her, I can't help feeling that there's a darker edge to Shannon lately, as if her time in the forest has changed her slightly. After just a fraction of a second, however, that sense of doubt fades away, replaced by gratitude that I have her with me again.

  “Like what?” I ask.

  She pauses, as if she's not sure how I'll react. “You'll know when you get there. I'll find a way to make you understand. For now, I just want you to promise that you'll go to work tonight and do your shift as normal. At least until I tell you what to do.”

  “Can't I just stay here with you instead?” I reply. To be honest, the thought of spending a whole night away from Shannon is too much to bear. I mean, what if she's gone again when I come back? “Screw BarraBuy,” I continue. “We should be planning what we're gonna do when we leave the forest.”

  “Leave the forest?”

  “We can't stay here forever,” I point out. “Remember in the old days, when you used to talk about us saving money and moving somewhere far away? We can still do that, especially now I can work as well. There's n
othing stopping us, not anymore, and we...” Again, all that enthusiasm seems to spring up for a moment before being blown away. “I mean... Uh...”

  “I need you to do something for me,” she replies. “Tonight.”

  “But -”

  “You love me, don't you?”

  I open my mouth to reply, but there's a hint of fear in her eyes, almost as if she's worried about my answer. “Of course I love you,” I reply, and I immediately feel a rush of warmth in my chest. Reaching out to her, I put my arm around her waist and pull her tight while turning and looking toward the distant BarraBuy store. “I barely remember what it's like out there,” I whisper, “but...”

  For a moment, I feel as if there's a kind of fog drifting through my thoughts.

  “I'll do anything you want,” I tell her finally. “All that matters is that I've got you back, Shannon. It's a miracle, and there's nothing I won't give you in return.”

  Part Eleven



  Two years ago

  “Hey Shannon!” a voice calls out as I hurry across the dark parking lot. “Shannon! Wait up!”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I see that Harvey is running to catch up to me.

  “I don't have time to talk,” I tell him. “I have to get home and -”

  “Do you wanna see a magic trick?” he asks breathlessly. As soon as he stops next to me and starts rummaging through his pockets, I realize I can smell his foul breath. I appreciate his efforts to be friendly, but I'd appreciate them more if he brushed his teeth and used deodorant first. “It's really cool!”

  “I'm not into magic,” I mutter.

  “I found this great online store,” he continues, as if he didn't hear me. Holding up a matchbox with a faint, almost invisible hinge on one side, he grins. “Now, all you have to do -”

  “There's a hidden compartment,” I point out.

  He freezes for a moment. “What?”

  “I can see it,” I continue. “There's a line on that side, it's some kind of hinge.”

  “Well...” He frowns. “I have some others. Wait right here, they're in my locker and -”

  “Tomorrow,” I reply, feeling a little sorry for him. He's harmless enough, but I'm cold and tired and I just want to get home and crawl into bed. “I'm working tomorrow night, so you can show me then, okay? Deal?”

  “Today's my birthday,” he replies. “June 1st. I kinda bought the magic stuff as a present to myself.”

  “That's sweet,” I tell him, “but I'm too tired right now. I'll watch all the tricks you've got tomorrow, though. Okay?”

  He sighs. “You'd better promise.”

  “Cross my heart.” With that, I turn and start walking away. “See you tomorrow, Harvey!” I call back to him. “Pleasure, as always!”

  When I get to the edge of the lot, I stop for a moment and then glance over my shoulder. Harvey is already driving away, so there's no-one around to see me as I turn and make my way through the long grass. I know this is dumb, but for the past few weeks I've taken to walking home through the forest. Every time, the same thing happens: I remember nothing from the journey, and I end up spat out on the other side with no recollection of what happens. All I know for certain is that I always find fresh cuts and bruises on my body, but I don't really mind the aches and pains... And besides, this time I've got a foolproof idea about how to document the trip.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the mp3 recorder and hit the button on the side, setting it going. Every second between here and the trailer park is going to be caught on tape. I wish I could afford some kind of fancy video camera, but this audio device is just going to have to do.

  With the recorder safely zipped back into my pocket, I start to make my way up the sloping bank of soil, heading past the edge of the forest and into the darkness. It's usually around this point that my memory blanks out, but to be honest I'm not really that scared. After all, a few cuts and bruises are nothing and if this thing actually wanted to cause some serious harm, I'd be dead by now. I've always been a sucker for mysteries and I'm determined to get to the bottom of this mess, and so far the journey feels absolutely normal.

  “I'm about three minutes in,” I say out loud, for the benefit of the recorder. “So far, I'm distinctly not freaked out.”

  Things stay that way as I keep going. I talk to myself a little, mainly to update the recorder on the time, but as I make my way between the trees and through several small clearings, I don't feel scared at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite: I actually start to feel strangely calm, to the extent that I honestly don't think I've been this relaxed for a long time. I even start humming to myself after a while, and that's something I never usually do. The forest just feels like the most welcoming place in the world, almost as if it's my home. By the time I've been walking for an hour or so, I'm actually starting to think that I'd happily just stay out here forever. All my worries are lifting from my mind.

  And then, just when my guard is completely lowered, I hear it.

  Stopping suddenly, I realize that something is moving through the undergrowth nearby. I turn and look around, but the forest is still too dark for me to really see anything.

  “It's probably just a rabbit,” I say out loud, once again for the recorder. “There's gotta be a ton of life out here.”

  I wait for a moment before setting off again. I'm usually the most paranoid, anxious person on the goddamn planet, but the forest is so soothing and peaceful right now and I find myself quickly forgetting that brief rustling sound I heard earlier. Instead, I focus on enjoying my time out here, and I don't even become alarmed when I spot what appears to be some kind of shack up ahead. Stepping closer without even considering the possibility that it might be dangerous, I run my fingertips against the damp wood as I walk all the way around to the front door. Pulling on the handle, I'm surprised to find that the door opens, although when I lean inside I see that the place is empty.

  “Hello?” I call out, almost laughing with happiness. “Anyone home?”

  I wait, before stepping back and pushing the door shut again.

  “I found a little house in the woods,” I tell the audio recorder in my pocket, “but so far, it's not made of gingerbread and there doesn't seem to be a wolf home.”

  I make my way across the clearing and then turn to look at the shack again. Honestly, it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life, and I can't help wondering why I was always so keen to keep out of the forest as a child. It's pretty obvious that there's nothing dangerous out here, and I'm already starting to think that I should bring Rita out for a few adventures. She's such a serious, reserved kid and I think she needs to be shaken out of her funk, especially after what happened to our father. I don't think she's ever really recovered from finding him dying all those years ago. Turning and making my way between the trees at the edge of the clearing, I'm already starting to think of all the fun my sister and I can have out here, and I end up so lost in thought that I barely notice when I get to the edge of the forest and see the road just a few feet away.

  “And there we have it,” I announce for the audio recorder. “Looks like I made it through. I found the road.”

  With the sun starting to rise in the distance, I turn and look back into the forest. I have no idea what happened during my previous walks, but clearly this time nothing bad occurred at all. I wait for a moment, breathing in the peace and calm of such a vast, beautiful and empty space, and I allow my a faint smile. Damn it, I almost feel drunk with happiness, or maybe it's just the relief of finding that there's nothing nasty in the forest. Turning, I look down at the road, filled with the sense that -

  Suddenly a hand reaches around from behind, covering my mouth before I have time to scream and pulling me back into the forest.


  “Jesus Christ,” I stammer, fumbling with the audio recorder as I sit at the trailer's kitchen table, “Jesus Christ, Jesus -”

  I let out a gasp as I feel a
searing pain on my left arm, and when I pull my t-shirt aside slightly I see a fresh cut running all the way up to my shoulder. I woke up about half an hour ago by the side of the road, just like the other mornings, and once again I don't remember anything after saying goodbye to Harvey in the parking lot and making my way into the forest. My body is sore and torn, but whereas I usually go straight into the shower at this point, today I have a trick up my sleeve.

  After waiting for the audio recorder's tape to rewind, I take a deep breath. Whatever happened to me in the forest, I must have caught it on this thing, which means...

  “Oh God,” I whisper, with tears in my eyes. “Please just work. I need to...”

  My voice trails off for a moment, but I still don't hit the button to play the recording. I guess there's a part of me that's too scared to learn the truth, and my entire body is trembling uncontrollably with fear. Finally I manage to press the button, and I immediately hear the hiss of the tape followed by the sound of me slipping the recorder into my pocket last night. After that, there's the sound of footsteps, followed by the sound of me grunting a couple of times as I make my way up the steep embankment that leads into the forest.

  And a moan.

  Feeling a shiver pass through my body, I realize I can hear someone moaning on the recording, and it's definitely not me. It's a kind of sorrowful lament, maybe a kind of whimper, but it's definitely human. I wait for a couple of minutes, but the moan continues and seems to almost break into sobs a few times.

  “I'm about three minutes in,” my voice says suddenly, sounding confident and carefree. “So far, I'm distinctly not freaked out.”

  “What about that sound?” I whisper, shocked that I don't seem to have reacted at all. There's no way I wouldn't have heard it at the time, so why do I sound so relaxed on the tape?

  I sit completely still and listen as the recording continues. I can still hear my footsteps, and after a while the moan seems to become quieter and more distant, until I can barely hear it above the sound of the hiss. A moment later, however, I become aware of another sound on the recording: a second set of footsteps, this time faster than my own, as if someone is hurrying past. The footsteps quickly recede, but once again I don't seem to have noticed them at the time. Swallowing hard, I listen as the recording continues, and gradually I start to realize there are other noises in the distance. The moan becomes louder at times, but never for more than a few minutes before fading again, while once or twice I hear what seems to be a brief, harrowed yelp of pain from... who? It's definitely not my voice, but then why do I not seem to be responding at all? Did I suddenly go completely deaf while I was walking through the forest?


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